choice house blog


Using Sobriety as a New Year’s Resolution

The 2020 year has finally come to a close which brings a huge sigh of relief for many. The past year was entirely unexpected and difficult not just for Americans but the entire world. The pandemic has completely changed daily routines as it continues to endanger the health and well-being of our lives and of…

How Do I Know Which Friends Will Hinder My Recovery?

Achieving sobriety can be an amazing first step on the path to recovery. Whether it be through inpatient or outpatient services like Choice House’s rehabilitation program or on your own through an independent support network, the decision and initial work that goes into acknowledging that you have an addiction disorder and are willing to take…

Sobriety During Quarantine

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has drastically altered our way of life in the United States and upended the daily routines of people all across the country. States have each taken different measures depending on the ebb and flow of the increased severity of community transmission of the disease, and Colorado has not been immune to…

What Should I Do While My Husband is in Rehab?

During your husband’s journey to recovery from substance use at a treatment facility, you may be wondering how you can help. It can be challenging watching your partner go into a treatment facility, knowing their treatment will be in the hands of people you don’t know. However, if you’ve chosen a good facility, then you…

Developing Life Skills in Recovery

Addiction recovery isn’t just about stopping the use of substances. It’s about starting a new and better life, which will require you to develop specific life skills. Some of these life skills could include better time management, better financial management, and much more. At Choice House, we will help you develop some of the essential…

How Do You Open Up to Your Therapist?

If you’ve chosen to see a therapist about your addiction, then you’ve already taken a significant first step towards recovery. That being said, the idea of opening up to a therapist can be nerve-wracking no matter who you are. Men especially seem to have a hard time expressing their emotions to others. While you shouldn’t…

Prescription Medications in Addiction Recovery

If you are taking prescription medications, you might be worried if they will affect your journey into sobriety. There are many types of prescription medications that people can’t stop taking, even during recovery from substance use. However, this isn’t something that should prevent you from going into a treatment program. No matter what prescription drugs…

How Does Depression Affect Physical Health?

Depression is a mental illness that affects a multitude of people across the world. Over 264 million people have suffered from depression, according to the World Health Organization. Depression can vary in severity from person-to-person, and in the worst cases, can lead to suicide. It is crucial for those experiencing depression symptoms to consult a…
12 steps

Your First 12-Step Meeting

In addiction recovery, 12-step programs are a common method of treatment. First created by Alcoholics Anonymous, these 12-step programs have proven to help addiction recovery and avoid relapse. The steps are designed to give those going through recovery a tangible way to move forward. There is often a spiritual aspect to these 12-steps, but it…