choice house blog


Do the Effects of Trauma Ever Go Away?

what is trauma? Trauma is a psychological response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope, often resulting in lasting emotional, mental, and physical effects. It can arise from experiences such as accidents, abuse, natural disasters, or witnessing violence. Call to Talk Trauma survivors have a difficult time with…

Kratom Addiction Treatment in Colorado

What is Kratom? Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, whose leaves have been traditionally used for their stimulant and sedative effects, depending on the dosage. Consumed by chewing, brewing as tea, or in powdered or encapsulated forms, kratom contains active compounds that interact with opioid receptors in the brain. While…

Investment in Growth: Understanding the Costs of Failure to Launch Programs

Investment in Growth: Understanding the Costs of Failure to Launch Programs Learn more about the cost of failure to launch programs and how to get the best value failure to launch programs at Choice House. What Are Failure to Launch Programs? The transition into adulthood can be a challenging time for young adults. Many uncertainties…
Treatment Centers for Eating Disorders

Dual Recovery: Treatment Centers for Eating Disorders and Alcohol Use Disorder

Dual Recovery: Treatment Centers for Eating Disorders and Alcohol Use Disorder Explore the impact of coexisting eating disorders and alcohol use disorder and how treatment centers for eating disorders can assist in recovery.     What Is a Co-Occurring Disorder? Co-occurring eating disorders and alcohol use disorder are often called “dual diagnosis” or “comorbid” conditions.…
alprazolam side effects in elderly

Aging and Medication: Side Effects of Alprazolam in the Elderly

Aging and Medication: Side Effects of Alprazolam in the Elderly Explore the potential impacts and strategies to manage alprazolam side effects in elderly patients—a comprehensive guide for caregivers and families. Alprazolam Side Effects in Elderly Patients: Aging and Medication Management Aging brings about changes in every aspect of our health. One of the most significant…
Serotonin and Dopamine

Alcohol’s Impact: How It Affects Your Brain and Body

Alcohol’s Impact: How It Affects Your Brain and Body Explore the profound effects of alcohol on your body and dive into the latest research that unravels alcohol’s impact on the brain. How Does Alcohol Affect You? Alcohol’s impact on your brain and body can affect you in many ways. It can even shape social interactions…
wine proof alcohol percentage

Understanding Alcohol Content: Wine Proof Alcohol Percentage

Understanding Alcohol Content: Wine Proof Alcohol Percentage Discover how wine proof alcohol percentage can affect your health and drinking habits in this comprehensive article. Blood Alcohol Content and Wine Proof Alcohol Percentage The way alcohol affects a person depends on how much is present in the system. This is called blood alcohol concentration, or BAC.…
Melatonin After Adderral

Balancing Your Body: Understanding the Use of Melatonin After Adderall

Balancing Your Body: Understanding the Use of Melatonin After Adderall Read on to learn more about the complex world of wellness while exploring the potential risks of using melatonin after Adderall. Introduction to Melatonin After Adderall Balancing our bodies in today’s fast-paced world is more critical than ever. This is particularly important when managing the…
Serotonin and Dopamine

Boosting Your Mood: Natural Methods to Increase Serotonin and Dopamine

Boosting Your Mood: Natural Methods to Increase Serotonin and Dopamine Discover how to naturally boost your serotonin and dopamine levels and enhance your overall mental health and well-being here.   How Neurotransmitters Affect Mental Health Mental health and well-being involve a complex interplay of many factors. Neurotransmitters and chemicals that help the brain and body…