Inpatient or Outpatient: Which Treatment is Right for Me?

Overcoming substance use is challenging for anyone affected by its use. However, there are certain viewpoints and even generalizations that surround various treatments. For example, some might believe that their substance use is not severe enough to require professional help, while others might think that their addiction is too powerful to overcome. Wherever you land on that scale, understand that you always have access to effective treatment that will operate to suit your needs.

When researching substance treatment programs, you will likely encounter a lot of information, which can be overwhelming. However, understanding what information you are looking for can make the decision-making process a little easier. Among the primary concerns in seeking treatment is whether inpatient or outpatient treatment is better suited for you. Many places such as Choice House offer both. Let’s take a look at inpatient and outpatient treatment to understand better which one will make more sense for you and your mental health and substance use disorder needs.

Receiving an Assessment

One of the best steps you can take before making a decision is to get an assessment. At Choice House, we have a staff of qualified professionals who can help you with your decision. Our resources reach beyond our treatment centers and extend into the community to assure that you have the best access to proper care. Such an assessment is essential to helping your pursuit of recovery because the wrong fit based on your needs can hurt your recovery, while the right fit can aid it. Some aspects of the assessment might include:

  • History of relapse
  • Physical and mental dependence
  • Readiness to change
  • Living situations
  • Health history

Seeking professional care is not only the first step in admitting you need help, but it allows you to make a better-informed decision of which treatment is right for you. In addition, the more you understand about yourself and your mental health and substance use disorders, the more confident you will feel when moving through your treatment and onto the road to recovery.

Who is Inpatient Treatment is For?

Typically, inpatient is where most people need to go when entering into a treatment program for the first time or have no longer found life functional without substances. Inpatient provides more intense substance use and mental health treatment to assist in permanent recovery. Some choose to go to outpatient because they are apprehensive about committing to the inpatient level of care. The truth is that residential treatment is the best place for you to begin treatment because it will remove you from all triggers in your current environment. You will also give yourself the care and attention that you need and deserve to overcome your addiction. It is incredibly beneficial if your current living situation triggers you whereas, outpatient treatment will continue to expose you to things that might trigger you.

It is also essential to early recovery because most people are not safe from their thoughts or actions, so it is vital to remove temptations for relapse. Inpatient will help you solely focus on overcoming your substance use and focus on your mental health. Therefore it can teach you how to rebuild a healthy relationship with yourself and others. Inpatient treatment provides more structure and restriction so you can better avoid relapse during an impulsive craving and focus instead on self-love and moving forward toward long-term sobriety.

Outpatient Following Inpatient Care

While you might benefit from going to outpatient treatment, this will also depend on the severity of the addiction and whether you can manage treatment while living among things that trigger you. Therefore, if you are living amid the setting of the onset of addiction, you might benefit from learning to rebuild an everyday life in that setting, too. Such a level of care is for individuals who have a solid readiness to change and don’t have a long history of relapse. Most commonly, outpatient programs are for those transitioning from the inpatient level of care.

Outpatient care can be most beneficial following inpatient care. Following up with outpatient care can provide you an effective way to test your recovery as it will allow some freedom while also staying accountable to a treatment program. Aside from accountability, you will also have a strong level of support to turn to for help. Sometimes returning home to deal with friends, family, work, and other stresses can become overwhelming and lead to relapse.

Co-Occurring Disorders

Mood, anxiety, and personality disorders often overlap with substance use of any kind. Such conditions affect the way you feel, behave and interact with others. Therefore, understanding the interactions between mental health and substance use can help you get simultaneous treatment. If a dual diagnosis exists, it is recommended you seek an inpatient treatment program. A co-occurring disorder will require a more intense therapy plan through inpatient treatment. However, outpatient treatment options for a co-occurring disorder do exist, such as;

While outpatient options are available for dual diagnosis, it is still often recommended for individuals transitioning from inpatient to outpatient.

Taking time to understand the differences between inpatient and outpatient treatment is essential to determine what kind of care you need. Always consult a professional when deciding about treatment surrounding your mental health and substance use disorders. At Choice House, we provide the qualified staff motivated to provide the best treatment for you. Both our setting and resources provide a safe place for men to seek assessment and treatment, and this is because our goals go far beyond just treating patients. We are at the forefront of an ever-evolving approach to treating mental health and substance use disorders, including advocating and allocating against treatment stigmas and practices. Our procedures include both conventional and alternative methods to ensure that your individual needs get met. With provided 24/7 admissions, there is never a wrong time to receive an assessment or ask questions. Learn more by calling us today at (720) 577-4422.

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