Sober Living


Preparing for Treatment When You Are Unsure

You’ve decided to enter an addiction recovery treatment program but have several concerns. You might be worried about how your family will handle you being gone for a period of time. You might also worry about all your responsibilities being taken care of while you are gone. During your recovery, focusing solely on getting better…

The Stigma Surrounding Men and Vulnerability

Men experience difficulty being vulnerable due to societal pressures of masculinity. You may feel the need to “man-up” or uphold a callous, tough self-image. You might hold yourself back from displaying emotions other than anger or happiness. Feelings of sadness, grief, and loneliness might be pushed deep down for men. These feelings may also become…

The Long Term Effects of Marijuana Use

Marijuana use can have long-term effects on your physical, mental, and emotional health. You might use marijuana legally in your state, depending upon the laws. In Colorado, marijuana use has been legalized for years. Although marijuana may be legal to use, you might still experience adverse long-term effects due to marijuana use. The legality of…

How to Find the Right Treatment Center: Avoiding the Revolving Door

You may have heard the term “revolving door” used in association with addiction treatment centers, referring to the cycle that some people with addiction go through that involves going into treatment only to relapse then return to treatment again. This can happen many times for some people and may have you wondering, “What is the…

Understanding What Your Son is Struggling With

When you have a son in recovery, you might experience difficulty understanding his struggles with addiction. Your son may not be willing to share with you or might fear judgment, especially if he feels like he has failed to live up to your expectations. Children, even emerging adults, might view parents or guardians as infallible…

Does Trauma Hold You Back?

There are many types of trauma one might experience in their lives, including the death of a loved one or being involved in a severe accident. Experiencing military combat, a life-threatening illness, or an assault can also result in severe trauma. However, causes of trauma aren’t always physical – childhood neglect and bullying can also…

Trauma Denial: Helpful or Hurtful?

Our minds can attempt to protect us from harsh realities. Following a traumatic event, our mind may wrap the event up in denial as a defense mechanism. The event itself and our feelings get buried deep within our minds. We may not even be consciously aware of the traumatic event and have difficulty in recalling…

Is it Possible to Conquer Life’s Roadblocks?

Life is always changing. Even if you are in the right place in life, roadblocks can occur, and it’s essential to ensure they don’t prevent you from moving forward. Though some of these roadblocks can seem immovable, it is possible to see your way over them. Finding your passion, starting a family, and getting that…

How Does Doing Exercise You Love Help Recovery?

Exercise can bolster your recovery from addiction. You can benefit significantly from getting outdoors or indoors to spend time building strength and resilience, both physically and mentally. One of the tips for success in sticking to an exercise routine is to find things that you love to do. When you find a fun activity or…