How to Find the Right Treatment Center: Avoiding the Revolving Door

You may have heard the term “revolving door” used in association with addiction treatment centers, referring to the cycle that some people with addiction go through that involves going into treatment only to relapse then return to treatment again. This can happen many times for some people and may have you wondering, “What is the point of treatment?”

Just because you have relapsed doesn’t mean that you are beyond help. However, there are various ways to prevent relapse from happening. 

Do You Need a Treatment Center?

Whether you need a treatment center or not is a personal question. You might believe your addiction can be conquered without checking into a treatment center, which is perfectly fine. That being said, treatment centers usually offer several resources that you may have a hard time finding on your own.

Treatment centers offer a great way to take a break from the day-to-day of your everyday life and responsibilities. While in a treatment center, you can focus on yourself and your recovery. They can also help you develop healthy coping mechanisms that will be useful when returning to outside life. 

It might be a good idea to talk with trusted loved ones or a therapist about possibly going into treatment. Talking about your symptoms out loud could help make the decision easier. Plus, you may get some helpful advice. 

Types of Treatment Programs

Several types of treatment programs offered through most treatment centers may make deciding on treatment a daunting decision. Figuring out your exact needs for recovery is a great way to determine which type of treatment center is right for you. Ultimately, the kind of treatment center you go with should be your decision.

Long-term or short-term residential treatment are programs that many treatment centers offer and involve staying in an inpatient facility for several weeks to months. The length of your stay will be determined before your check-in and can be adjusted, depending on your progress. Residential treatment programs may involve moving into a 24/7 sober living facility where therapy and group programs are offered to fill your day

IOPs, or Intensive Outpatient Programs, are another popular form of addiction treatment which don’t involve the patient being supervised 24/7. Some IOPs have their patients live in a residential facility, but most involve their patients staying in their own homes. While IOPs can differ depending on the treatment facility, many involve patients attending group therapies and other programs. Counseling from licensed therapists is usually offered as well. 

Sober Living may seem like the same thing as residential treatment, and the two do share many similarities. However, while residential treatment is usually better for those early in their addiction recovery, sober living is an excellent option for those that have already completed their residential treatment programs. Sober living facilities offer more of a regular day-to-day routine for patients while helping them maintain sobriety. Support meetings and other programs are sometimes offered at sober living facilities. 

Having the motivation to recover is just as important, if not more so, than finding the right treatment center. Taking the things you’ve learned from your treatment center and using them to avoid relapse should be a primary goal. 

What Causes People to Relapse

It’s important to remember that it doesn’t mean that you aren’t still on the road to recovery just because you relapsed. Many people that have successfully recovered from their addiction went through a relapse at one point. 

There is a multitude of factors that can cause people to relapse. Maybe you end up losing your job or experience the death of a loved one. If and when these trigger situations occur, there are various ways to avoid relapsing. 

How to Avoid Relapse

Engage yourself as much as possible in the programs and activities offered at your treatment center. This is a great way to develop those healthy coping mechanisms that you’ll need when returning to your day-to-day life. Even after you’ve made it through a treatment program, there may be a long road ahead with several roadblocks. Finding new passions and being around supportive friends is always a great help.

Therapy is usually offered through treatment programs and should be continued after leaving. If you find yourself worried about expensive therapy bills, then look into lower-cost options. Check if your insurance company will cover therapy sessions. Low-cost therapy can also be found online. 

Avoid anything that may trigger your addiction. This can include being around certain people or going to specific events. Find a new hobby. Spend time with your family. There are plenty of ways you can avoid situations that trigger your addiction. 

Lastly, don’t be ashamed to go back to a treatment facility if you need it. Those who work at treatment facilities want you to get better and won’t judge you for making a mistake. You can overcome addiction, but you have to keep at it.   


There are plenty of options regarding treatment centers, and it may seem daunting to choose the right one. However, the right one for you is out there. If you need treatment and are ready to get started, check out the programs offered at Choice House in Boulder, Colorado. We offer many programs designed to help you along the road to recovery, including therapy with licensed professionals. Thanks to our beautiful location among the Rocky Mountains, Choice House has created a treatment program that involves plenty of outdoor activities. Through these programs, you can develop healthy coping mechanisms and form life-long friendships with our other residents. No matter what you have gone through or how deep into addiction you are, Choice House can help. Residential treatment, sober living, and intensive outpatient programs are all offered through Choice House. Call Choice House today at (720) 577-4422 for all the information you need on our facility and programs. 

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