Sober Living

Bucket List

A Bucket List for Everyone

Have you ever thought about starting a bucket list? Just thinking about all the things you’d like to before you kick the proverbial bucket can give you a sense of hope, something to live for. But the majority of bucket lists you see are often way out of reach, with items like visiting the pyramids…

Relationships and Recovery

Oh boy, that’s always the hard step — how to fix the relationships that have been damaged because of your addiction. So many of the 12 Steps are about you fixing your relationship with yourself — basically becoming honest with yourself about your shortcomings, accepting a higher power, and then learning to love yourself again.…

Sober Living Later in Life: It’s never too late

Let’s face it: Some people get into recovery after their 30’s. Many people struggle through the turmoil of their addiction for years before finding a new way to live. Some growing up with a family of heavy drinkers and believe drinking is just the only way of life. Others may have a spouse that also…