denver-area treatment center for opiate addiction

Tucked away in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains is one of the area’s premier residential rehabilitation and recovery treatment centers. Choice House, a recovery community in the Denver area for men struggling with opiate addiction, features a 90-day treatment center, neighborhood sober living homes, and a campus that’s conveniently located near bus lines and various shops and businesses.

In less than 15 minutes, you can take in the breathtaking beauty of the Boulder, CO foothills, the perfect setting to rediscover yourself and reclaim your healthiest, most meaningful life while recovering from drug and alcohol addiction.

denver-area treatment for opiate addiction

Choice House emphasizes personal connection and community, encouraging love, vulnerability, and deep bonding among guests. Our team of treatment professionals works tirelessly to help each individual learn healthy new skills that promote growth and a strong spiritual foundation.

Our Denver-area treatment center for men struggling with opiate addiction is recommended for male residents who are looking for:

opiate addiction treatment center in boulder, co

Our addiction recovery center provides therapy for those in Colorado who want to overcome a substance use disorder. Choice House licensed therapists and clinicians are experienced with a range of issues associated with drug addiction and have the tools and skills required to help guide individuals to a lasting recovery.

At Choice House, we know that life can be so much more rewarding when you’re free from the burden of alcohol or drug abuse. The Choice House opiate addiction recovery program has helped numerous men in the Denver area discover their best life by learning how to care for and protect their physical and emotional health.

Contact us today at 720-577-4422 or to learn more about our Denver-area opiate addiction rehab and sober living options today. Choice House is proud to have recently attained the ability to work with insurance for both our drug addiction program and 90-day inpatient rehab program, making recovery more financially feasible for many men in the Colorado area.