Is There A Form of Therapy Best Suited for Maintaining Sobriety?

Perhaps the only form of therapy that is not suited to the ongoing sobriety maintenance so necessary in the addiction recovery process would be no therapy at all. Achieving sobriety through abstaining from addictive substances is one aspect of addiction recovery treatment, but the ongoing and lifelong sobriety maintenance that addiction recovery patients will need to learn and practice is accomplished primarily through a variety of therapeutic modalities. 


Just as each case of an addictive disorder is unique and individualistic to each diagnosed patient, we think that you will find that each form of therapy will be uniquely attuned to either meet or fall short of the needs of your particular addiction recovery treatment. This in no way suggests that any one form of therapy is better suited than the next as benefits can still be gained from even the most perfunctory of therapeutic modalities; it just serves to reiterate that every person learns differently and thus will respond differently to certain aspects of therapy as well. Each patient’s path toward a continuous, sober lifestyle will vary greatly as reflected by their different positive and negative responses to different treatment methods, and thankfully, the addiction recovery community has advanced treatment methods enough to allow recovery patients to explore a multitude of therapeutic modalities


Certain aspects of therapy will no doubt work better for certain people, and, indeed, some therapies are more ideally suited to tackling particular aspects of an addictive disorder, especially those with co-occurring mental health issues. For example, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is better suited at breaking negative patterns of thought and behavior while one-on-one sessions can be more directed toward healing past trauma. However, therapy, in general, is about increasing the self-awareness of emotional and behavioral responses to daily living; by creating a better understanding or awareness of your particular disorder and how it affects you both physically and mentally, you will ultimately only improve your ability to react more healthily and practically reducing the chance of repeating or further advocating previously unhealthy motivations and actions. 


In essence, therapy involves learning the skills and preventative measures to both begin the healing process from trauma and past abuse as well as how to navigate away from those instances toward healthier reactions in the future. To give you a better understanding of what each particular therapy modality may be better suited toward concerning addiction recovery treatment, we have detailed some of Choice House’s key therapeutic modalities in the list below.


Individual Therapy Sessions

Individual therapy or one-on-one sessions help to delve into individual issues relating to addictive disorders and unearth past trauma such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD may be affecting your current state of mind as well your actions of today. One-on-one sessions are in no way limited to PTSD, and in fact, individual therapy has a wide net that it can cast to cover a variety of issues from personal to family and even work. One of the best aspects of individual therapy sessions, aside from allowing patients to delve deep into their problems, is that it does wonders for the ongoing sobriety maintenance that is necessary throughout the recovery process. Many patients will find that it is easier to get lax in their sobriety as time outside of rehab progresses, and weekly or even just monthly one-on-one sessions allows you to keep your addictive disorder in check by continuously revisiting mental health issues as well as addressing any new issues that come to light which is likely as you progress in the addiction recovery process


Group Therapy

Group therapy generally involves five or more fellow recovery patients meeting together with a moderating therapist to discuss and learn about their addictive disorders and the various methods of treatment. Group therapy sessions may not be as individualistic as the one-on-one sessions, but they can cover a variety of topics concerning addictive disorders by giving a more diverse group perspective on such issues. This type of therapy can also be beneficial to individuals who may have reservations about therapy in general; most group sessions are typically conducted as circle discussions with the level of participation left up to each member. You can sit and just listen to what others have to say on the given topic or even contribute new questions that may arise during the discussion. It is completely up to you how to participate. Group therapy also helps to reverse much of the stigma of mental illness and addictive disorders by putting you in a community setting to discuss relatable issues with fellow addiction recovery patients. The relatability of each member dispels myths about addictive disorders being a moral failing and helps remove feelings of isolation.


Family Therapy

Family therapy is generally not a favorite among addiction recovery patients mainly as it entails coming to terms with how your previous actions have negatively affected those you hold most dear, your family and closest loved ones. These feelings of reservation, though, signal that family therapy is probably one of the most important types of therapy available to those in addiction recovery. Family therapy can help you first begin to reconcile the emotional consequences of how your addictive disorder has previously affected loved ones which then, in turn, allows you to start planning and move forward with those loved ones in addiction recovery. Family therapy is also crucial in ensuring that all members are on the same page. Too much of a family living environment can be based on assumptions, and family therapy helps those involved put it all on the table.


Outdoor Wilderness Therapy

Outdoor wilderness therapy is unique to Choice House as we allow our recovery patients to begin the healing process through physical activities like hiking, kayaking, and rock climbing. This therapeutic modality succeeds by taking the focus off of a patient’s addictive disorder and placing it on the distraction of physical activity. Wilderness therapy, similar to group therapy, can help to reverse some of the stigmas that surround addictive disorders as well. Men can reconnect with themselves, nature, and fellow recovery patients as they begin to normalize their view on addictive disorders. This modality helps to create a community atmosphere among fellow recovery patients emphasizing addiction being a disease that is highly treatable and not some moral failing on the patient’s part. Exercise and outdoor activity help to clarify that there is a life outside of addictive disorders as well as introducing recovery patients to new hobbies they may have never known that they enjoyed. 


If you or someone you love is seeking therapy for an addictive disorder with co-occurring mental health issues, then Choice House has the dual-diagnosis addiction recovery treatment program that can help. We offer men the chance to achieve and learn how to maintain sobriety through a variety of therapeutic modalities as they build a new foundation of love, understanding, and empathy. Our addiction recovery treatment services include a 90-day inpatient program, an intensive outpatient service, and the opportunity to take up residency at our sober living campus. Located in the Boulder County region of Colorado, our facilities are ideally situated between the Rocky Mountain National Park and the bustling city of Louisville. Taking full advantage of having the Rocky Mountains in our backyard, we offer a unique outdoor wilderness therapy where men bond over physical activities like hiking, rock climbing, and kayaking. Our proximity to the city of Louisville is particularly beneficial to participants of our outpatient services or those residing at our sober living campus. These individuals are afforded the chance to maintain gainful employment and even keep up active social lives all the while under the supervision and guidance of Choice House programs of service. For more information regarding Choice House’s facilities or addiction recovery treatment options, please give us a call at (720) 577-4422.

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