choice house blog


How Can Alcohol Use Affect the Symptoms of PTSD?

Experiencing a traumatic event that leads to PTSD can also lead to alcohol use. Drinking to cope with PTSD symptoms may be a form of avoidance as PTSD symptoms exhibit feelings of anxiety, stress, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. However, drinking alcohol and developing a dependency have similar effects on emotions and feelings. Therefore, in…
leisure time

How to Fill Your Leisure Time When You’re in Recovery

Although addictive disorders are mostly unique to each individual, recovery means an increase in leisure time as sober individuals. Clients in early recovery often report on the extensive amount of free time afforded them once efforts are no longer focused primarily on continued substance misuse. The question of what to do with this free time…
bipolar diagnosis

How Will My Bipolar Diagnosis Affect My Recovery?

Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder that involves emotional swings in mood and energy levels. In a recent study, research showed that approximately 60% of people with bipolar disorder either use or used substances. However, the reason why there is a relationship between bipolar disorder and substance use is unknown, though substance abuse will…

The Importance of Aftercare Services for a Complete Recovery

Achieving initial sobriety through a detox program and undergoing inpatient or outpatient treatment services to address an addictive disorder is a huge and commendable first step to managing substance misuse. This, however, is still only the first step of many more steps to come for patients before they gain a handle on their addictive disorder.…

How Can Learning About Forgiveness Help Me Recover from Addiction?

The road to recovery relies upon setting realistic goals and having realistic expectations. These goals serve as stepping stones to aid in the healing process after perhaps years of substance use. Setting goals also helps you manage your progress and attain confidence and resiliency upon each new accomplishment. Part of the process is learning to…

The Great Outdoors: Healthy Activities in the Boulder County Area

With flowers in full bloom and warm temperatures beginning to peak in the lower 70s, the months of summer have officially begun. Many Colorado residents are itching to say goodbye to the winter blues and COVID-19 restrictions and stretch out in the summer sun. For many, summer simply means relaxing for weeks on end beachside…
trust in recovery

How Can I Rebuild Trust in Recovery?

The road to recovery is a life-long process, and encountering challenges along the way is part of this journey. Another big part of the recovery journey is rebuilding the trust in the relationships you have within yourself and with others. The work needed to restore trust can introduce many different feelings, including anger, stress, anxiety,…

Medical Detox to Treat Opioid Addiction

Although there is no definitive path for receiving treatment of an addictive disorder, the recovery process is most effective when patients are actively abstaining from continued substance misuse. Achieving this initial sobriety to begin treating the underlying addictive and mental health disorders feeding into substance misuse often requires help. Many find themselves experiencing serious withdrawal…
codependent relationships

How Codependent Relationships Affect Addiction

Addiction recovery literature is rife with mentions of codependency with little on what this term actually means or how patients and their support networks can recognize and work toward alleviating the problem of codependency. To better clarify, codependency can be any form of imbalanced relationship—with a partner, family member, friend, or even illicit substance—in which…