choice house blog

dating in recovery

When Is it Okay to Date Again in Recovery?

Recovery is a lifelong and deeply personal journey. Your experiences influence successful growth in recovery, and therefore it should move at your pace because it is your story to tell. The process of seeking support, acceptance, spiritual support, and mental growth all builds toward helping you re-establish your identity. Often, when rebuilding relationships, you might wonder…
EMDR therapy

What is EMDR Therapy?

Anxiety, stress, depression, feeling stuck, or frustrated with trauma can create challenges that invade many aspects of life, including your recovery. While numerous forms of therapy treat PTSD, trauma, and anxiety, EMDR therapy stands out as one of the more effective. If you are experiencing unpleasant feelings or symptoms of PTSD, EMDR, in addition to…
Identity Crisis: Resolving Perceptions of Past and Present Selves

Identity Crisis: Resolving Perceptions of Past and Present Selves

People often measure the quality of their life based on their past decisions, accomplishments, and even shortcomings. While it is good to learn from the past to become more resilient and make better decisions moving forward, when you dwell in the past, it becomes problematic. In recovery and especially early recovery, it is common to…

How Do You Avoid Overconfidence in Recovery?

Recovery is a lifelong journey requiring patience, persistence, and self-awareness. At times your recovery might feel completely manageable, especially when your confidence is high. During these times, you are likely feeling strong, and you might even feel as though you have mastered the process of sustaining recovery. While confidence is a sign of growth and…
Coping With Anger in Addiction Recovery

Coping With Anger in Addiction Recovery

There are some things in life we just can’t avoid—death, taxes, and anger. Anger is a common emotion we all experience in life, and it can affect you, those around you, and even society as a whole. Episodes of anger can be passive or assertive. Each episode will produce adrenaline which can create lasting adverse…
Reversing Stigma: Why Decriminalization of Substances and Disorders Matters

Reversing Stigma: Why Decriminalization of Substances and Disorders Matters

Many stigmas, taboos, and negative beliefs surround substance use and mental health disorders. Such views not only misrepresent and harm those affected by substance use and mental health disorders. They also create fear and isolation and even prevent many from seeking the help they need. The legal ramifications further support these beliefs for those in…
Inpatient or Outpatient: Which Treatment is Right for Me?

Inpatient or Outpatient: Which Treatment is Right for Me?

Overcoming substance use is challenging for anyone affected by its use. However, there are certain viewpoints and even generalizations that surround various treatments. For example, some might believe that their substance use is not severe enough to require professional help, while others might think that their addiction is too powerful to overcome. Wherever you land…
AA Meetings

SMART Recovery: An Alternative Recovery Program

There is a common misconception that treatment for alcohol use looks and operates a certain way. Unfortunately, these beliefs and stigmas surrounding specific treatments are causing those who need help to avoid it because they decide it won’t work for them. However, the treatment approaches to helping those with alcohol use disorders are much more…
Adventure Therapy: The Benefits of Hiking in Recovery

Adventure Therapy: The Benefits of Hiking in Recovery

When most people think about the best therapy options for recovery, they don’t typically think about hiking. However, hiking, or adventure therapy, can become an essential holistic treatment option for those recovering from substance use and mental health disorders. Adventure therapy positively affects mental, physical, and emotional health, helping to reduce anxiety and stress, and…