Choice House: A Trusted Alcohol Addiction Center

Our alcohol addiction center offers tailored, holistic treatment for lasting sobriety. Continue reading to learn more about how Choice House can help.  

Navigating the Journey to Sobriety

The journey to sobriety can feel like a complicated maze with no exit in sight. Self-treatment can often lead to discouragement due to increased chance of relapse. Fortunately, our alcohol addiction center lends a solution. 

Choice House is a cornerstone of recovery. Individuals no longer have to attempt sobriety without help and support. It serves not only as a place for detoxification but also as a sanctuary where people can rebuild their lives away from the grip of addiction.
alcohol addiction center

How Can an Alcohol Addiction Center Help With Recovery?

Choice House offers a beacon of hope and healing for individuals with alcohol addictions. In this article, we’ll look at what we have to offer and why an alcohol addiction center can be a turning point for individuals dealing with alcoholism.

It’s important to define what alcoholism is and identify the associated risk factors. Discovering the root causes of alcoholism can lead to a holistic recovery. Read on to explore what comprehensive treatment entails at an alcohol addiction center.

What is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a chronic and often progressive condition. It is characterized by an inability to control drinking habits.

Alcoholism involves both a physical and emotional dependence on alcohol despite negative consequences. 

Without proper help, an alcohol addiction can take over. Alcoholism usually leads to a variety of damaging health and social effects.1

The Damaging Effect of Alcoholism

The damage caused by an alcohol addiction can range over different aspects of an individual’s life. 

These include the following components:

  • Social connections
  • Occupational work
  • Bodily health
  • Mental wellness
The effects of alcoholism can gradually take over until the effects seem too advanced to overcome. Getting help can be life changing.

What Defines an Alcohol Addiction?

Understanding alcoholism involves understanding its criteria. Some signs of alcohol addiction include the following:2
  • Drinking for longer periods of time
  • Unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control alcohol consumption
  • A strong desire or craving for alcohol
  • Failure to fulfill major role obligations at work and school
  • Persistent interpersonal or social problems
  • Reduced occupational or recreational activities 
  • Consuming alcohol when it is physically hazardous to do so
  • Developing a tolerance to alcohol
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when attempting to cut back

Is Alcoholism a Disease?

Despite what most people think, alcoholism is considered a disease by many medical associations. Examples include the American Medical Association and the World Health Organization.
It shares characteristics with other chronic illnesses. These include the following:
  • A potential genetic predisposition
  • Environmental influences
  • The possibility of changes to the body (tolerance and withdrawal)
The disease model of alcoholism also reflects that overcoming alcoholism is not a matter of willpower or morality.
Like many other diseases, it’s a health issue that requires medical and psychological treatment. This perspective helps to destigmatize alcoholism and emphasizes the importance of seeking help.

Physical Impact of Alcohol Addiction

Persistent alcohol consumption often causes changes in brain structure and function. These changes can impact the brain’s reward and stress systems.
This is what leads to negative emotional states and cravings when alcohol is not present. It makes monitoring alcohol intake extremely challenging without medical intervention and support.
Alcoholism is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition. However, recovery is not only possible but is a reality for many people. With the right treatment and support, sobriety is within reach.

The Risk Factors For Developing Alcoholism

The development of alcoholism is influenced by a multitude of factors. Often, it’s the interplay of individual and environmental factors that lead to the onset of alcohol addiction.


Genetics play a considerable role in an individual’s vulnerability to alcoholism. A family history of alcoholism increases the risk of becoming an alcoholic. 

Our alcohol addiction center includes genetic counseling and family therapy as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

Psychiatric Conditions

People with the following mental health conditions are more likely to develop alcoholism:
Integrated treatment approaches are important. They are essential for addressing co-occurring conditions.

The Treatment of Co-Occurring Conditions

Our center specializes in treating one or more conditions at the same time. If an individual has alcoholism as well as a mental health condition, the interplay of conditions can amplify symptoms.
It is possible to treat alcoholism and mental health conditions simultaneously. This can enhance the likelihood of a successful recovery.

Alcohol Use From an Early Age

Drinking alcohol from an earlier age increases the likelihood of developing alcoholism later on. An alcohol addiction center will usually offer education and prevention programs. These are key for breaking this pattern.

Peer Pressure

The following influences can affect drinking behavior:
  • Friends
  • Family 
  • Societal norms

An alcohol addiction center often employs therapies aimed at enhancing resilience. 

In this way, people are able to resist peer pressure. It is important to improve social networks and support systems while in recovery.

Stress and Trauma

High-stress levels and traumatic events can lead to increased alcohol consumption. Alcohol is often used as a form of self-medication, which leads to addiction.
An alcohol addiction center provides trauma-informed care. This teaches healthier coping strategies to help with processing experiences.

Availability of Alcohol

Easy access to alcohol can contribute to its misuse. An alcohol addiction center can’t directly control this factor. However, we can educate people about the risks of excessive drinking.
An alcohol addiction center can also help with building strategies to reduce the availability of alcohol to those in rehabilitation. Avoiding places where alcohol is readily available may be necessary during the beginning stages of recovery.

Culture and Media Influence

Cultural attitudes and the media portrayal of drinking can contribute to alcoholism development. In an alcohol addiction center, people learn to critically evaluate these influences.

An Unstable Home Environment

An unstable home life can contribute to the risk of developing alcoholism. Family therapy and support are integral components of our programs. These can foster better communication and build healthier relationships.

How Common Is Alcoholism in Colorado?

Alcohol addictions affect a great number of individuals, with some areas experiencing more cases than others. How common is alcoholism in Colorado?

Colorado’s Underage Drinking Statistics

Alcohol use among high school students in Colorado surpasses the use of any other substance. A staggering 59 percent admitting to trying alcohol at least once.
This rate aligns closely with the national average. However, of all the substances available to the youth of Colorado, alcohol is the most easily accessible.3

Binge Drinking

Binge drinking is a symptom of an unhealthy reliance on alcohol. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals that Colorado’s incidence of binge drinking is at a significant 19.5 percent.4

Average Alcohol Consumption Statistics

When it comes to alcohol consumption, Colorado has one of the highest rankings nationwide. Our state secured fourth place for the number of survey respondents who confirmed alcohol intake within the past month.
A substantial sixty-one percent of adults in Colorado have consumed alcohol in the previous thirty days. This is a statistic only surpassed by the following states:
  • Vermont
  • Wisconsin
  • The District of Columbia

Heavy Drinking

The CDC describes heavy drinking as the consumption of more than fourteen drinks per week for men and over seven for women. Colorado carries the weighty distinction of having the ninth-highest rate of heavy alcohol consumption across the nation.
About seven percent of Colorado adults surpass the designated level of weekly alcohol intake. This indicates a significant issue with heavy drinking in the state.5

A Call for Change

Alcoholism is rampant in Colorado, and Choice Health is calling for a change. Our alcohol addiction center is making a positive impact by offering the tools and support necessary for a full recovery. Our goals encompass lasting sobriety for individuals across the nation.

The Importance of Pursuing Treatment through an Alcohol Addiction Center

Overcoming alcoholism can be a challenging journey. There are many reasons for pursuing treatment at an alcohol addiction center. At Choice House, we provide essential guidance and support throughout the process.

A Structured Environment

An alcohol addiction center like Choice House provides a structured and stable environment. 

Structure can aid recovery in the following ways:

  • Developing new routines
  • Fostering healthy habits
  • Breaking unhealthy living cycles

Medical Support and Detoxification

Withdrawal from alcohol can be potentially life-threatening. At an alcohol addiction center, medical professionals monitor the detoxification process. We help with managing withdrawal symptoms and make sure safety procedures are in place.

Therapeutic Interventions

Therapy is a cornerstone of alcohol addiction treatment. Our center offers the following evidence-based therapeutic approaches:
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Family therapy
These approaches help in addressing the root causes of addiction and foster healthier coping mechanisms. We also offer alternative, holistic therapeutic techniques, such as wilderness adventure therapy.

The Treatment of Co-Occurring Conditions

Many individuals with alcoholism also have co-occurring mental health conditions. We can provide integrated treatment for these co-occurring disorders. This enhances the chances of successful recovery.

Peer Support

An alcohol addiction center houses a community of people who are also in recovery. 

This is conducive to peer support which can be incredibly beneficial in the following ways:

  • Understanding
  • Encouragement
  • Sharing experiences

Family Involvement

Alcoholism doesn’t just affect the individual with the alcohol addiction. It also affects the family of the individual. We offer family programs to help repair familial relationships.

Relapse Prevention

An alcohol addiction center equips individuals with the tools needed to prevent relapse. 

These tools include support for:

  • Recognizing triggers
  • Managing cravings
  • Making lasting changes

Life Quality Improvement

An alcohol addiction center aims to improve overall quality of life. We strive to help individuals with the following:
  • Regaining control 
  • Repairing broken relationships
  • Re-establishing a sense of self-worth and purpose
At Choice Health, all of this is possible and more.
alcohol addiction center

Find Effective Alcohol Addiction Treatment At Choice House

Are you looking for an alcohol addiction center that can help you safely recover from alcoholism? At Choice House, we fully understand the challenges presented by alcohol addiction.
At our Boulder, Colorado facility, we offer several evidence-based approaches designed to provide you with optimal treatment relief to men struggling with substance use disorder or other mental health challenges.

Somatic Experience Therapy

Somatic experience therapy is a body-oriented therapeutic approach to trauma. We focus on the client’s perceived bodily sensations, known as somatic experiences. This therapy helps to relieve the symptoms of mental and physical trauma-related health issues.
Trauma can manifest physically in the body. As trauma can be a root cause of alcoholism, we offer this therapy at Choice House as a part of our holistic program.

Psychodrama Therapy

Psychodrama uses guided role-playing to gain insights into personal problems and explore solutions. 

The benefits of psychodrama therapy can include the following:

  • Expressing emotions 
  • Gaining new perspectives
  • Fostering improved interpersonal skills

Trauma Work

Trauma work involves addressing the impact of trauma head on. Choice House helps individuals understand the ways that past traumatic experiences contribute to alcoholism. Individuals also learn healthier coping mechanisms.


Mindfulness involves focusing on the present moment in a nonjudgmental way. This helps individuals become more aware of the following without reacting automatically:
  • Thoughts
  • Feelings
  • Physical sensations
This practice aids in stress reduction and emotional regulation. It is an important part of relapse prevention.

Evidence Based Therapies

Alcohol addiction treatment may include one or more of the following evidence-based therapies:
  • Motivational interviewing (MI)
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
These therapies are optimized to suit alcohol addiction recovery programs. Our therapists are trained in providing these therapeutic interventions.

Experiential Modalities

Therapies that involve all five of the senses can aid individuals through recovery. We offer several experiential modalities which include the following:

Reach Out Today

Are you or a loved one looking for an alcohol addiction center to aid in your recovery journey? Our caring doctors and supportive staff will stand by you and offer support.

Reach out to us today and let us help you on the road to sober living. Experience the quality difference of Choice House.

Participants leave their usual environments and enter nature. In these settings, they must learn to work as part of a team and develop survival skills.1