The Darker Side of Healing: Be Aware of Potential WildernessTherapy Abuse

This post describes potential wilderness therapy programs abuse. Learn how to check the safety of wilderness therapy programs.

What Are Wilderness Therapy Programs?

Wilderness therapy programs are an increasingly popular, unique approach to mental health treatment. These programs offer people a chance to heal and grow in nature. However, it’s important to be aware of potential wilderness therapy programs abuse.

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Are Wilderness Therapy Programs Safe?

These programs combine outdoor activities and therapeutic interventions to promote personal development and well-being. Unfortunately, there are recent reports of wilderness therapy programs abuse. These reports raise concerns about this field’s safety and ethical practices.

Most wilderness therapy programs focus on participant safety. These programs adhere to strict ethical guidelines. They employ qualified professionals who genuinely care for the individuals.

However, it is vital to address the small minority of programs where abuse has occurred. Incidents of wilderness therapy programs abuse have far-reaching consequences.

Learning About Wilderness Therapy Programs Abuse

This article is about the sensitive issue of abuse in wilderness therapy programs. We will shed light on the potential harm that can occur when appropriate safeguards are not in place.

We will also explore the importance of a safe and supportive environment in wilderness therapy programs, as well as examine the factors contributing to the occurrence of wilderness therapy programs abuse.

What Are Examples of Wilderness Therapy Programs Abuse?

Wilderness therapy programs involve participants engaging in activities such as:

Wilderness therapy programs are outdoor-based therapeutic interventions. These programs are often geared toward teenagers or young adults. They help people overcome various emotional, behavioral, and psychological challenges.1

Wilderness therapy programs abuse can take various forms. Here are some specific examples of abusive practices that have been reported.

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is the use of physical force, restraints, or punishments that result in harm or injury to participants. 

It may include the following:

  • Excessive exercise
  • Forced labor
  • Deprivation of food or water
  • Harsh physical discipline

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse can involve verbal humiliation, degradation, or constant belittlement of participants. Consequences for the participants might include:

  • Reduced self-esteem
  • Psychological distress
  • A hostile and unsafe environment

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse includes any form of unwanted sexual contact, harassment, or assault. It can have severe and long-lasting psychological effects on the survivor.


Neglect is the failure to give participants adequate care, supervision, or support. This may involve the following:2

  • Insufficient food, water, or shelter
  • Insufficient medical attention
  • A lack of appropriate emotional support or counseling

Safeguards and Regulations for Abuse Prevention in Wilderness Therapy Programs 

Every program has its safeguards. They aim to establish ethical practices, maintain accountability, and mitigate the abuse risks. Here are some common safeguards and regulations against wilderness therapy programs abuse.

Licensing and Accreditation

Many wilderness therapy programs must obtain licenses or accreditation. They get them from governing bodies or accrediting organizations.3 

These entities set standards for the following:

  • Program operation
  • Safety protocols
  • Staff qualifications
  • Participant care

Compliance with these standards is assessed through regular inspections and reviews.

Staff Training and Qualifications

Wilderness therapy programs typically require their staff to undergo specific training. They have to hold relevant qualifications. This may include:

  • Certifications in wilderness first aid
  • CPR
  • Crisis intervention
  • Therapeutic techniques

Comprehensive training ensures that staff members are well-equipped. They have the necessary skills and knowledge to provide safe and effective care.

Screening and Background Checks

Programs use rigorous screening processes for staff members. These include comprehensive background checks. This helps identify any previous misconduct or criminal history that may pose a risk to participant safety.

Thorough screening procedures select individuals fit to work in a therapeutic environment. Doing this prevents cases of wilderness therapy programs abuse.4

Staff-To-Participant Ratios

Maintaining appropriate staff-to-participant ratios is crucial. They ensure the safety and supervision of individuals in wilderness therapy programs. These ratios vary, but smaller ratios help prevent wilderness therapy programs abuse.

Staffing depends on the program’s specific requirements and the participants’ needs. Adequate staffing allows for the following:

  • Oversight
  • Intervention
  • Support during activities
  • Therapy sessions

Safety Protocols and Risk Management

Wilderness therapy programs focus on participant safety. They use robust, frequently-updated safety protocols and risk management strategies. 

This includes:

  • Thorough risk assessments of activities
  • Proper equipment maintenance and inspections
  • Emergency response plans
  • Adherence to established wilderness safety guidelines

Ongoing Supervision and Monitoring

Regular supervision is an essential safeguard against abuse. Programs may have designated supervisors or clinical directors. These professionals’ duties include:

  • Overseeing staff performance
  • Ensuring adherence to ethical guidelines
  • Addressing any concerns or incidents promptly

Reporting and Accountability Mechanisms

Programs should have precise reporting mechanisms in place to address any incidents of abuse. These mechanisms may include:

  • Anonymous reporting options
  • Designated individuals responsible for receiving and investigating complaints
  • Protocols for documenting and responding to reports

Transparent accountability processes protect participants. They hold individuals accountable for their actions.

Continuous Professional Development and Ethics Training

Ongoing professional development and ethics training are essential components. They help maintain high standards in wilderness therapy programs. 

Staff members should receive regular training on the following;

  • Ethical practices
  • Professional boundaries
  • Appropriate therapeutic interventions

This ensures a commitment to ethical conduct. It also promotes a culture of safety and respect.

Laws and Regulations

These safeguards and regulations may vary across different jurisdictions and accrediting organizations. Wilderness therapy programs must follow local laws and regulations. They should also focus on the safety and well-being of participants.

How Are Abuse Cases in Wilderness Therapy Programs Typically Handled?

Even with safeguards, wilderness therapy programs abuse can still happen. So, it is crucial to handle abuse cases seriously. This requires sensitivity and a commitment to participants’ safety and well-being.

Here is a general overview of how wilderness therapy programs abuse cases are handled.5

Immediate Response

First, centers receive a report or become aware of abuse allegations. Programs usually have protocols to ensure the immediate safety of the affected individual. 

This may involve removing the participant from the program. It also provides necessary medical or psychological support.

Investigation and Documentation

The program initiates a thorough investigation into the allegations. It is crucial to maintain confidentiality and privacy during this time. The investigation may involve:

  • Gathering evidence
  • Conducting interviews with relevant parties
  • Documenting all information related to the incident

Involvement of Authorities

The program typically must report the incident to local law enforcement. They may need to cooperate with law enforcement and legal proceedings. Authorities ensure appropriate actions are taken.

Support for the Survivor

The well-being of the individual is paramount. The program should provide access to counseling or therapy services. These services help the individual cope with the emotional and psychological impact of the abuse.

The individual needs to feel heard, believed, and supported. This is a key step in alleviating the impact of wilderness therapy programs abuse.

Staff Accountability and Disciplinary Actions

If the investigation confirms the abuse, appropriate disciplinary actions should be taken. These are taken against the staff member(s) involved. 

The disciplinary actions may include:

  • Termination of employment
  • Reporting to relevant professional licensing boards
  • Legal consequences are based on the severity of the misconduct

Program Evaluation and Improvement

After wilderness therapy programs abuse, a comprehensive review of policies is essential. Programs should look for any weaknesses or gaps that may have contributed to the incident.

Then, the program should aim to make improvements. These actions should prevent future incidents of abuse. The improvements might include:

  • Revising staff training
  • Enhancing supervision protocols
  • Strengthening reporting mechanisms

Communication and Transparency

The program should communicate openly and honestly with all relevant parties, such as program participants, their families, staff members, and authorities.

Transparent communication helps build trust and ensures accountability. It demonstrates the program’s commitment to addressing the issue and preventing future occurrences.

Legal and Regulatory Obligations

Wilderness therapy programs need to report wilderness therapy programs abuse cases. They must cooperate with investigations. Compliance ensures the appropriate handling of abuse cases and protects the rights of all involved parties.

The specific handling of abuse cases depends on jurisdiction, organizational policies, and incident severity. However, participant safety should always be a priority. It is key to conduct a thorough investigation and provide support to survivors.

Evaluating the Safety and Credibility of a Wilderness Therapy Program

We must take certain steps to avoid instances of wilderness therapy programs abuse. Potential wilderness therapy participants and their families can carefully look into existing programs. They should check each program’s safety and credibility.6

Potential wilderness therapy participants and their families may wonder what to look for. Here are some key factors to consider to avoid instances of wilderness therapy programs abuse.

Research and Gather Information

Start by researching the program extensively. Look for official program websites. Read testimonials or reviews from past participants or their families.

Seek recommendations from trusted sources, like mental health professionals or support groups. This initial research can help families understand the program’s reputation and credibility.

Licensing and Accreditation

Check if the program is licensed or accredited. They should be recognized by governing bodies or accrediting organizations.

These credentials indicate that the program has met certain standards. They have certified safety, ethics, and quality of care. Review the specific requirements and standards for the program’s licensing or accreditation.

Staff Qualifications and Expertise

Inquire about the capabilities and expertise of the program’s staff. Look into staff members’ certifications, education, and training. Also, ask about their experience in wilderness therapy and relevant therapeutic modalities.

Safety Protocols and Risk Management

Adequate safety measures are crucial for participant well-being. Ask about the following aspects of safety and risk management:

  • Emergency response plans
  • Participant-to-staff ratios during activities
  • Staff training in first aid and crisis intervention
  • Their approach to handling potential risks in the wilderness environment

Participant Supervision and Accountability

Inquire about the program’s supervision practices. Ask about staff supervision protocols and methods of monitoring participant activities.

Ask about how the program handles any concerns or incidents that may arise. Precise accountability mechanisms are essential for maintaining a safe environment. This can help prevent incidents of wilderness therapy programs abuse.

Transparency and Communication

A credible program should be transparent. This means they should be willing to address your questions and concerns.

Be wary of programs that are evasive or avoid answering important questions. Look for the following:

  • Clear communication channels
  • Responsiveness to inquiries
  • A willingness to provide detailed information about program philosophy, approach, and safety measures

Site Visits and Interviews

Consider visiting the program. Also, consider participating in an interview with program staff. This can provide an opportunity to see the facilities, meet the staff, and assess the overall environment.

Potential participants and their families should trust their instincts. Families should pay attention to the program’s professionalism and the impression they get during the visit or interview.

Consultation With Professionals

Seek advice from mental health professionals with experience or knowledge in wilderness therapy. They can provide valuable insights and guidance based on their expertise. They help you evaluate the program’s suitability for your specific needs.

wilderness therapy programs abuse

Avoid Wilderness Therapy Programs Abuse by Joining Choice House

Choice House is a full continuum, long-term, young adult men’s recovery program. We view addiction through a trauma and attachment lens. We also help individuals manage alcohol and substance use to break free from addiction.

Our Treatment

We treat substance use disorder and co-occurring mental health conditions. We use mainly experiential therapy modalities and 12-step facilitation. 

Our outdoor component is world-class, and our outdoor/adventure therapy practices are always monitored for the appropriate safeguards.

We are also JCAHO (The Joint Commission) certified with a 1:1 staff-to-client ratio. We offer weekly and monthly events and comprehensive aftercare activities.

Levels of Care

We emphasize trauma therapy and dual-diagnosis disorder treatment. We offer various levels of care to cater to every patient. 

These include the following:

Wilderness Therapy for troubled young adults

Wilderness camps for troubled young adults at Choice House offer a unique and transformative approach to rehabilitation through outdoor therapy in Colorado. At Choice House, we believe in the healing power of nature combined with traditional therapeutic techniques to create an effective wilderness rehab experience. Our programs immerse young adults in outdoor recreational therapy activities, such as hiking, camping, and team-building exercises, designed to build resilience, develop coping skills, and foster a sense of responsibility. By stepping away from the distractions of daily life, young adults can focus on their personal growth and recovery in a supportive and structured environment. Choice House’s wilderness rehab centers for young adults are dedicated to helping young individuals address behavioral and emotional challenges while connecting with the natural world. Our team of experienced professionals is committed to the safety and well-being of every participant, ensuring a secure and nurturing environment. Parents can trust that their son(s) are in good hands, receiving the care and attention they need to thrive.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one are concerned about substance use disorders or mental health conditions, you’re not alone. Our experienced staff is ready to help you reclaim a fulfilling, healthy life.

For more information on wilderness therapy programs abuse, please reach out. If you’re ready to leverage the power of wilderness therapy for recovery, we’re here to help. Get in touch with us today.