Sober Living
How Do I Handle Debt in Early Recovery?
The fallout from addictive disorders and years of continuous substance misuse can involve more than emotional damage. Many addiction recovery patients will find themselves situated with significant financial debt once completing treatment. This can be in part to expensive addiction recovery treatment but mainly due to years of neglect and spending beyond their means due…
Why Should I Avoid Depictions of Drug or Alcohol Use on Television and Movies?
Identifying and taking the necessary preventative measures to avoid potential triggers will make up a large part of the recovery efforts for patients with addictive disorders. This will involve increasing self-awareness about the shifting moods and emotional responses to activities, locations, people, and even television programs and movies. Once transitioned into their independent sober living…
Can I Move When I Am in Early Addiction Recovery?
For many patients in addiction recovery, their pre-treatment lives might have been about substance misuse and unhealthy behaviors that fed their addictive disorder. Even simple daily experiences like going to work might have been disrupted by urges to misuse substances as an addictive disorder began to monopolize their time. This type of constant disruption is…
Pink Clouds: The Ups and Downs of Initial Sobriety
When addiction recovery patients initially achieve and maintain a period of short-term sobriety, they often experience intense highs and extreme lows. The addictive mindsets that lean toward the extreme perceive their feelings unrealistically and dramatically — the lows will feel that much more depressing and the highs too euphoric. Experiencing these fluctuations in mood and…
How Do I Balance Responsibility and Self Care?
As addiction recovery patients re-enter society, maintaining their sobriety should remain as their primary goal. Everything you have accomplished from work to re-establishing personal relationships will eventually topple if you are unable to maintain consistent, long-term sobriety. This is not to suggest an all-or-nothing approach to continued sobriety. Relapses happen and the stigma surrounding what…
How Do I Navigate Old Friendships and Potentially Create New Lasting Bonds?
Whether you are being discharged from an extended stay at inpatient services or are receiving ongoing outpatient treatment for addiction recovery, learning how to navigate friendships both old and new can be a crucial lesson for maintaining sobriety in the long-term. Once addiction recovery patients begin to acclimate to transitioning into their more independent, sober…
How Can Gardening Help Me Maintain My Sobriety?
Several realizations can come to light after you have achieved newfound sobriety; these can be both small and large in scale from realizing you have been parting your hair on the wrong side to coming to grips with the emotional trauma that has fueled your addictive behavior. Once the cloud of confusion from the veritably…
Is There A Form of Therapy Best Suited for Maintaining Sobriety?
Perhaps the only form of therapy that is not suited to the ongoing sobriety maintenance so necessary in the addiction recovery process would be no therapy at all. Achieving sobriety through abstaining from addictive substances is one aspect of addiction recovery treatment, but the ongoing and lifelong sobriety maintenance that addiction recovery patients will need…
How Do I Give Back After I’ve Gotten a Handle On Sobriety?
From Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) to Smart Recovery, gratitude is known as an essential pillar to any addiction recovery process. Understanding and being able to express how grateful you are for not only a chance at being sober but also for all that is good in your life is an important step in re-entering society as…