What to Expect When You Call a Substance Abuse Helpline
Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” And to some extent, faith is what individuals struggling with drug and alcohol addiction need more of: faith that they can quit, faith that treatment centers and 12-step programs can help, faith that life is…
Refuge Recovery, a Non-theistic Approach to Ending Addiction
For many who are trying to overcome their addictions, 12-step programs are a fitting path to the community support that proves integral in finding lasting sobriety. However, because the 12-step approach has its foundation in believing in a higher power, it may not be for everyone. This is why some look at other options such…
Break the Addiction Cycle – How to Commit to Quitting
Change is hard. Change — the kind of transition required to leave a lifestyle of addiction to alcohol and drugs — can often seem overwhelmingly daunting. However, once you realize that you no longer want to let drugs and alcohol control your life, there are ways to make sure your decision to quit has staying…
The Alcohol Withdrawal Timeline: What Happens (and When) After the Last Drink
Most people who have struggled with an alcohol use disorder (commonly known as alcoholism) know that quitting brings its own challenges – not the least of which are physiological effects that can be mild to life-threatening in severe cases. Fortunately, medications are available to assist in alcohol detox, and with medical supervision, you can treat…
Dating in Recovery: Does Your Partner Also Have to Be Sober?
To Date or Not to Date During Recovery? Embarking on a new journey to sobriety is a big transition — a positive one, but still a significant change. In general, therapists and treatment centers alike recommend that someone who’s new to sobriety aims to achieve at least 12 months of recovery before starting to date…
Rediscovering yourself along your Recovery Journey
Big life transitions can be unsettling — job layoffs, loss of a loved one, divorce — and taking steps to overcome a drug and alcohol addiction is no different or less challenging. And while it’s good to acknowledge that there will always be some circumstances that are beyond your control, there are steps you can…
Easing the Transition Back Into The Workforce After Drug and Alcohol Rehab
Like any significant life transition, finding employment during your recovery journey can feel intimidating at times. The good news is, a little anxiety associated with the uncertainty of finding a job is to be expected, and can even serve as a catalyst to propel you forward. And like other situations that involve elements of the…
Eight Factors to Consider When Choosing an Addiction Recovery Center
When an individual struggling to overcome addiction decides it’s time to seek help in the form of a drug or alcohol recovery center, finding one isn’t necessarily difficult. Choosing the one that will be the best fit and boost your chances of long-term sobriety success, however, can seem like an overwhelming task. The following list…
Addiction Recovery Has Gone Digital — Yes, There’s an App for That
These days many of our daily tasks are going digital, addiction recovery apps included. And while digital applications will likely never fully replace the benefits of real-time, face-to-face interactions and support programs, apps bring with them more pros than cons. For example, they’re available at the critical point when someone needs to reach out for…