How to talk about your recovery

To start things off, we found a great blog that discusses one of the things you will be faced with when you begin recovery: How to talk to others about your recovery.

It’s one thing to talk to the people you are in recovery with, but what about when you are back out on your own? Some of your friends and family will probably already know, but it’s important to talk about your recovery only with people who will be supportive of it and not judgmental. Or worse, those who would try to get you to start drinking or using again because they still do and want their party buddy back. It’s important to have a game plan for who you’re going to talk to and how you’re going to answer any questions they may have. Your friends and family may be supportive, but if they haven’t gone through recovery themselves, there are a lot of things they won’t understand. Learn how to talk about your recovery in a way that helps you both. Read the article from Recovery Works for some good ideas on this topic. And remember — communication is always a good thing.

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