choice house blog
5 Tips On How to Talk to Your Kids About Addiction
Talking to your kids about your drug or alcohol addiction will never be an easy conversation to have, but it’s one that’s vital if you hope to regain trust with your kids and embrace the idea of healthy, open communication within your family. And while that discussion will look different according to everyone’s unique living…
Choice House to Accept Insurance Options for Addiction Treatment
Choice House is pleased to announce that we now have the ability to work with insurance at our Colorado drug addiction program and 90-Day in-patient rehab program! This will allow more Choice House men and their families to have access to our recovery community while reducing the cost of treatment. Choice House is committed…
4 Tips for Finding Yourself During Recovery
Anyone who’s fought addiction to drugs or alcohol for an extended amount of time knows that substance abuse insidiously chips away at who you are, leaving you unsure of what’s important in life or what your true purpose is. Like other mental health challenges, addiction lies to you, telling you that you are the sum…
Sobriety Gave Me the Ability to Handle Anything, Even Jail at 7 Months Sober.
Erik’s Recovery Story Committing to sobriety and having faith in the process (even through a stint in jail) Editor’s note: The story that follows is an honest, uplifting account of the progress and personal growth that’s possible when someone who struggles with an addiction to alcohol faces their issues and reaches out for professional help.…
Does Addiction Absolve You of Accountability?
Merriam-Webster defines addiction as “a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity having harmful physical, psychological, or social effects and typically causing well-defined symptoms (such as anxiety, irritability, tremors, or nausea) upon withdrawal or abstinence.” In less scientific terms, much of American society tends to perceive addiction as a…
Announcement: April 15, 2020 Essential Healthcare Workers In Colorado Choice House, a residential program for men struggling with substance use and co-occurring mental health, recently learned that its staff members would be treated to a hot barbecue lunch by Brother’s BBQ, to recognize essential healthcare workers. Among the less visible ranks of essential healthcare workers,…
how to manage recovery during covid-19
how to apply your recovery skills to self-isolating during a global pandemic Although the COVID-19 global pandemic seems to be putting most of our lives temporarily “on hold,” it helps to look for the silver lining in our current situation. If you’re in recovery, you likely have ready access to many of the skills required…
What to Expect When You Call a Substance Abuse Helpline
Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” And to some extent, faith is what individuals struggling with drug and alcohol addiction need more of: faith that they can quit, faith that treatment centers and 12-step programs can help, faith that life is…
Refuge Recovery, a Non-theistic Approach to Ending Addiction
For many who are trying to overcome their addictions, 12-step programs are a fitting path to the community support that proves integral in finding lasting sobriety. However, because the 12-step approach has its foundation in believing in a higher power, it may not be for everyone. This is why some look at other options such…