choice house blog

How Do I Balance Responsibility and Self Care?

How Do I Balance Responsibility and Self Care?

As addiction recovery patients re-enter society, maintaining their sobriety should remain as their primary goal. Everything you have accomplished from work to re-establishing personal relationships will eventually topple if you are unable to maintain consistent, long-term sobriety. This is not to suggest an all-or-nothing approach to continued sobriety. Relapses happen and the stigma surrounding what…
Steps To Prevent Relapsing After Already Being Triggered

Steps To Prevent Relapsing After Already Being Triggered

A large majority of addiction recovery treatment involves learning various techniques that can help patients maintain their sobriety in the long-term. Initially achieving sobriety, the process of recognizing your addictive disorder as well as your issues with substance misuse, asking for assistance in these matters, and going through withdrawal, is a commendable undertaking in its…
Finding Therapy After 90-Day Inpatient Services

Finding Therapy After 90-Day Inpatient Services

Choice House’s 90-day inpatient program gives patients the necessary time to begin to set their sober lifestyle behaviors as new, muscle memory habits. Not only is the extended length of stay beneficial to developing healthier behavioral habits, but it also allows addiction recovery patients to develop comfortable relationships with the therapy professionals on staff. The…
How Do I Navigate Old Friendships and Potentially Create New Lasting Bonds?

How Do I Navigate Old Friendships and Potentially Create New Lasting Bonds?

Whether you are being discharged from an extended stay at inpatient services or are receiving ongoing outpatient treatment for addiction recovery, learning how to navigate friendships both old and new can be a crucial lesson for maintaining sobriety in the long-term. Once addiction recovery patients begin to acclimate to transitioning into their more independent, sober…
How Can Gardening Help Me Maintain My Sobriety?

How Can Gardening Help Me Maintain My Sobriety?

Several realizations can come to light after you have achieved newfound sobriety; these can be both small and large in scale from realizing you have been parting your hair on the wrong side to coming to grips with the emotional trauma that has fueled your addictive behavior. Once the cloud of confusion from the veritably…
Trading Addictions: The Risks Inherent To a Selective Sobriety Approach

Trading Addictions: The Risks Inherent To a Selective Sobriety Approach

Trading Addictions is unfortunately not a fun, modern twist on the popular Discovery Home produced series Trading Spaces where neighbors decorate each other’s homes. However, the outcomes of both are arguably similar with the end product’s overall success leaning from intolerable to more often than not disastrous. Trading addictions is in actuality a very real…
Is There A Form of Therapy Best Suited for Maintaining Sobriety?

Is There A Form of Therapy Best Suited for Maintaining Sobriety?

Perhaps the only form of therapy that is not suited to the ongoing sobriety maintenance so necessary in the addiction recovery process would be no therapy at all. Achieving sobriety through abstaining from addictive substances is one aspect of addiction recovery treatment, but the ongoing and lifelong sobriety maintenance that addiction recovery patients will need…
Best Books On Tackling Addiction Recovery

Best Books On Tackling Addiction Recovery

One of the most important messages we can teach to both addiction recovery patients and the loved ones that make up their support network are that they are not alone. Addictive disorders with co-occurring mental health issues often result in increased feelings of isolation and depression, and one of the most effective ways to combat…
Avoid Becoming A Dry Drunk

Avoid Becoming A Dry Drunk

When individuals with addictive disorders and substance misuse issues achieve sobriety, they run the risk of developing dry drunk syndrome if they fail to address the psychological and behavioral issues that contributed to their substance misuse. Dry drunk syndrome, also referred to as post-acute withdrawal symptoms, occurs when heavy drinkers suddenly stop drinking with no…