choice house blog

Why Does Building Trust With a Healthcare Professional Matter?

How Does Outdoor Adventure Therapy Benefit Recovery?

Outdoor adventure therapy is one of the most effective forms of treatment because it blends adventure and experiential and traditional therapy all in one place. Since it includes many different therapeutic variables, it also creates many opportunities for personal growth and success. Outdoor adventure therapy can also help prepare you for scenarios and situations that…
Benefits of Setting Goals in Recovery

Benefits of Setting Goals in Recovery

The road to recovery is a personal and fulfilling journey that varies based on the individual. While you share similar experiences with other friends, family, and peers, you also likely have your own set of needs and goals. Ultimately, recovery is not a one-size-fits-all approach, nor should it be. Your unique background and aspirations are…

Standing Up to Stigmas That Harm Mental Health

The stigmas surrounding mental health disorders are damaging and can often hinder one’s motivation to seek help. However, these stigmas often stem from a lack of understanding about various mental health issues, including the language sometimes used when talking about these issues. Stigmatizing language can be deliberately harmful or more subtle, in which people using…
Why Don't More Men Seek Mental Health Help?

Why Don’t More Men Seek Mental Health Help?

Today, efforts to raise awareness for mental health issues are stronger than ever. These conversations are beginning to change the narrative of how people view and deal with mental health issues. These efforts work to provide motivation for finding appropriate care, diagnosis, and treatments. While the goal is to provide more comfort, security, and courage…
Psychotherapy Concept. Depressed man talking to psychologist during individual therapy

5 Benefits of Having a Counselor in Recovery

You’re only as strong as the company you keep. As such, a big part of successful recovery relies on a strong support network. Building a strong network includes being active in participating in meetings and other healthy social settings. However, while in early recovery, you may experience thoughts that can create fear and doubt about…
Engaging Ways to Encourage Men to Seek Therapy

Engaging Ways to Encourage Men to Seek Therapy

The first step toward seeking therapy is through understanding why you are avoiding it. While research shows that men are less likely to seek help than women, it also shows that men often delay getting help until there is a crisis. Men also tend to be concerned about privacy and sometimes require greater reassurance that…
What Is Sleep Hygiene?

What Is Sleep Hygiene?

Encountering sleep disorders in early recovery is common. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the likelihood of insomnia is five times greater in early recovery than in the rest of the general population. However, insomnia is not the only sleep disorder associated with addiction and recovery; circadian rhythm disorders, parasomnias, and sleep apnea…
What Is Substance Use Disorder and How Do I Help a Loved One?

What Is Substance Use Disorder and How Do I Help a Loved One?

Long-term substance use creates changes in the body and alters the brain, meaning that it also affects a person’s mental health. Since the brain is responsible for all voluntary and involuntary actions, substance use can change how people think, act, and feel. If you have a loved one currently using substances and dealing with behavioral…
4 Reasons Why More Men Should Practicing Mindfulness

4 Reasons Why More Men Should Practicing Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a practice that allows you to look inward and open up to vulnerability. Practicing mindfulness allows the opportunity for better self-awareness and growth in confidence. The best part is, anybody can achieve the benefits. However, the narrative of most stereotypes that men are “not good” at showing emotions or “too strong-willed” negatively influences…