choice house blog
Setting Realistic Goals in Recovery
Setting goals is essential in life and recovery. Goals help keep you focused, motivated, and accountable. Goals also help instill structure and fill parts of your day where you may succumb to boredom. While the idea of setting goals is a positive practice, sometimes the goals you set can be counterintuitive and work against you.…
Is a Sober Living Home for Me?
Recovery is a lifelong journey that requires persistence, planning, and patience; it also varies based on the individual. While your recovery journey is your story, part of that storyline is determining where you want to build your life of sobriety after treatment. In early recovery, the thought of returning home after treatment might seem intimidating.…
4 Benefits of Having a Counselor in Recovery
There are many variables to maintaining a successful recovery. Such variables exist to provide you the treatments and therapies that meet your individual needs, so you have the best opportunity for a lasting recovery. Among the many tools you will gain in your journey, one of the most important is seeking a counselor. The relationship…
The Power of Giving Yourself Grace
Maintaining recovery requires a great deal of persistence, consistency, and vigilance. However, because recovery involves a lot of work, you might become your own worst critic when deciding the successes or failures of your recovery. It might be easy to overlook how recovery moves at different paces based on the individual. Instead of moving too…
Forgiving a Loved One Managing Addiction
Maintaining a healthy family dynamic where everyone works together, takes on responsibilities, and accomplishes life goals is challenging. If you live with someone struggling with addiction, it can add many difficulties to the relationship’s dynamic. Over time, addiction creates barriers between you and your loved one where you begin to harbor feelings of disappointment, resentment,…
The Advantages of 12-Step Programs
12-step programs have been around for many years and help people manage sobriety. Throughout the years, since the inception of AA, there have been many advances in the field of addiction recovery. Today, more evidence-based treatments exist to help individuals become sober and stay sober. Some of these include specific therapies such as motivational interviewing,…
What are the Benefits of Family Therapy?
When an individual uses substances over a long period to the point of addiction, the impacts extend beyond them to their family. The effects that addiction can have on relationships soon diminish the trust and communication within families. In addition to being troubled by addiction, the family may also struggle with their emotional difficulties. Continued…
The Difference Between Compulsion and Addiction
Many people use the terms compulsion and addiction interchangeably to describe either their or another person’s behavior, however, they are not the same thing. The interchangeable use of these terms also causes confusion with those seeking treatment for specific conditions. Both compulsion and addictive tendencies can have a significant impact on your mental and physical…
Feeling Emotionally Numb: Restoring Emotions In Addiction Recovery
After years of substance use and addiction, you might feel emotionally numb. Whether this happens consciously or unconsciously, addiction tends to cause people to turn off their emotions. Sometimes this response occurs due to past trauma, anxiety, fear, stress, or other responsibilities. When you use substances to cope and suppress feelings, you might think that…