choice house blog

5 reasons to continue with IOP after Residential Treatment

5 Reasons To Continue With IOP After Residential Treatment

Getting sober is a challenge, but for most people, staying sober is an even bigger challenge. Completing detox or residential treatment is an important step in the recovery process, but it’s only the beginning. After returning home, you’ll come face-to-face with triggers, cravings and temptations that could lead to relapse. Ongoing support from an intensive…
Everything you want to know about IOP's

Everything You Want to Know about IOPs: 15 Questions About Intensive Outpatient Programs

Navigating the recovery world can be challenging. It’s great that there are so many effective treatment options available, but this can make it hard to know which is appropriate for your needs. One of the more flexible solutions is IOP, an outpatient approach that lets you continue to live at home while you work on…
nature helps us reset our bodies and mind

How Nature Helps Us ‘Reset’ Our Minds & Bodies

When you’re feeling anxious or depressed, where do you go to get away from it all? Do you long for busy city streets, concrete walls and bright lights, or do you retreat to a calmer and more natural setting? Whether it’s a cozy room with a good view or a remote cabin in the woods,…
toxic masculinity

Why Toxic Masculinity Exponentially Affects Mens’ Health & How to Change It

A lot of men grew up hearing that they need to be strong and stoic, with pressure to look or act a certain way reinforced by cultural stereotypes of “manliness.” Exuding power, toughness and dominance was the name of the game, and for most of us, this meant bottling up our emotions, conforming to strict…
which level of care is right for you

Which Level of Care is Right for Me?

One of the most common questions that we get asked as treatment providers is, “What level of care is right for me?” Unfortunately, there is no right answer, as recovery isn’t a one-size-fits-all process. Overcoming addiction and mental health challenges is a deeply personal thing that has to come from within, and what works well…
Untreated Mental Health In African American Men

The Stats on Untreated Mental Health in African American Men

Mental health tends to be a taboo topic among men. Given a choice, most would rather not talk about it. Unfortunately, this is often more true for African American men, who experience mental health problems at about the same rate as others but continue to be underrecognized and undertreated in the recovery sphere. While the…
Opioid Relapse Risks

Why Risk Factors for Opioid Relapse Differ Between Men and Women

Substance abuse has increased dramatically since COVID-19 emerged. As more people report feeling stressed, anxious and uncertain about the future, many have turned to drugs or alcohol to find some form of relief and started self-medicating just to get through the day. Consequently, fatal overdoses are also on the rise, surging to over 81,000 deaths…
Is addiction bad enough it needs treatment

Is My Addiction Bad Enough To Need Treatment?

Some people are under the impression that addiction is a subjective thing. And yes, while certain beliefs, norms and attitudes do play a role in one’s drug or alcohol use, the damaging effects of addiction show that it is both real and tangible. In fact, substance abuse disorders are characterized as a disease with distinct…
healing power through hiking

The Healing Power of Hiking or Walking With Your Therapist

For centuries, humans have known the healing power of Mother Earth. Priests and doctors alike have looked to spring or mineral water for its therapeutic effects, while monks have sought out the peace and solitude of nature for prayer and meditation. Like those before them, they knew that something special happens when we spend time…