

The Connection Between Trauma and Addiction

Trauma can change your life forever. Whether it be an event during childhood, your teenage years, or in your adult life, trauma has the ability to change your outlook on life and the world. This is why it is not uncommon for many individuals who have gone through a traumatic experience to develop a drug…

How Do OCD and Addiction Go Hand in Hand?

Addiction often does not occur on its own. Many addicts also suffer from co-occurring mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, etc. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 17.5 million Americans, 18 or older, have had a severe mental health disorder in the past year. Four million of those…

The Importance of Gender-Specific Treatment for Addiction

Unfortunately, the statistics concerning those struggling with drug or alcohol addiction in the United States are high. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, these statistics also show that men and women are equally likely to become addicted to drugs or alcohol. However, this does not mean that the experience of substance abuse is…
Stress and Addiction

Stressful Vulnerability: How Anxiety Can Weaken Our Immune System

There are many reasons why anxiety is bad for our bodies, and we are aimed at avoiding all of them if we can. Our bodies can be completely derailed by anxiety, and the physical consequences of stress are a huge burden to bear. One of these effects is the impact it has one the immune…
Man Reading in recovery

Books to Read in Recovery

For years, books have inspired the human race to overcome numerous obstacles and to pursue their dreams. Addiction recovery is no different. No matter what book you read, there’s a specific intent and purpose that the writer is trying to convey. You have to consider if that purpose is in line with what type of…
Music for Recovery

Positive Songs to Uplift Your Recovery

Time has shown again and again that music can change our mood and even perspective on life. Human beings are in tune with music, and we can easily sync up with beats that we hear. Music has a mysterious way of connecting with our mind, body, and soul. In addiction recovery, we may find that…
recovery help for drug abuse

Intravenous Injections: Why Method of Drug Use Matters

The way in which a person consumes drugs isn’t talked about as often as the types of drugs a person abuses. Illicit drugs – such as heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, ecstasy, ketamine, and PCP – can be taken in different ways. Many people believe that the route of administration is irrelevant, but the way a person…
Social media effects

How Does Social Media Affect My Recovery?

Social media is pervasive in this day and age. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and more constantly fill up hours of the day until we’ve scrolled through other people’s lives so extensively that we’ve lost track of our own responsibilities. Of course, we all have different reasons for why we utilize social media. Some of us prefer…
Couple talking through addiction denial

Why Do So Many People Deny Their Addiction?

From the start, human beings have struggled with admitting their faults. Perhaps it’s a form of self-preservation – or maybe it’s a way to avoid having to deal with pain, which often comes with recognizing where we’ve gone wrong. Either way, nobody really likes to acknowledge the pain or agony they’ve caused themselves or others…