
Non-Alcoholic Drinks And Foods To Avoid When In Recovery

Non-Alcoholic Drinks And Foods To Avoid When In Recovery

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) outlines four stages of recovery for patients with addictive behavioral disorders who also have subsequent substance misuse issues. These include: Withdrawal Early Abstinence Protracted Abstinence Adjustment/Resolution These stages are in no way an exact representation of every patient’s psychological and physical experience undergone in addiction recovery.…

How Do I Avoid Triggers When Returning To Work and Old Routines?

The process of transitioning from being an addiction recovery patient in rehab to living an independent, sober lifestyle needs to begin long before you are discharged. Planning can avoid potential pitfalls and unnecessary triggers and is an integral step to the addiction recovery process. You can not afford to let the “pink cloud” bliss and…

Chicken or the Egg: Addiction and Co-Occurring Disorders

Modern-day addiction recovery treatments have evolved to include a focus not just on addictive disorders, but on mental health and wellness issues, as well. The practice has become so prevalent that readers will find references of dual diagnosis and co-occurring mental health disorders from even the most cursory of Google searches for addiction recovery treatment…

Finding an Identity Outside of Addiction

Although there is no definitive treatment method for addictive disorders — no clear-cut path from point A of diagnosis to point B of being recovered — there are guidelines based on the commonalities of previous addiction recovery treatments (especially considering the majority of diagnosed cases involve an individualistic, co-occurring mental health disorder). The Substance Abuse…
12 step

How Can You Benefit From AA as an Atheist?

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), the nonprofit, volunteer-based fellowship of peers committed to enabling sobriety among its members, has practically become synonymous with addiction recovery in America. Since its inception in 1935, AA has been at the forefront of treating addictive disorders by emphasizing addiction as a medical condition and providing a universal treatment model for each…

Addiction Recovery Book Review: 10% Happier by Dan Harris

The impetus for the onset of an addictive disorder and its potential co-occurring mental health issues vary to a large degree from person to person. There is evidence of diagnosed cases where individuals with no history of addictive behavior start using after an injury is treated with an ill-fated prescription to opioid pain relievers, while…

What Happens During One-on-One Therapy?

The onset of addictive disorders stemming from substance misuse generally involve some form of untreated co-occurring mental health issue. That is why Choice House utilizes a variety of therapeutic modalities to help recovery patients first achieve sobriety and then learn how to maintain a sober lifestyle in the long term. While the different therapy methods…

Prescription Medications in Addiction Recovery

If you are taking prescription medications, you might be worried if they will affect your journey into sobriety. There are many types of prescription medications that people can’t stop taking, even during recovery from substance use. However, this isn’t something that should prevent you from going into a treatment program. No matter what prescription drugs…

What Does Rehab for Meth Addiction Look Like?

Methamphetamine is a type of drug known as a stimulant, giving users increased energy and feelings of euphoria. Other popular types of stimulants include Ritalin, Adderall, cocaine, crack, and many more. Methamphetamine, or meth, usually comes in crystal form and is one of the most addictive stimulants. The National Institute on Drug Abuse found that…