
Couple relaxing at Venice Beach

What if My Spouse Also Uses Substances?

Standing up to addiction requires more effort when your spouse is at your side. What if your spouse uses substances, too? Once you have become sober but your spouse is not ready to give up substances, you might wonder if you can succeed in recovery. Ideally, everyone in your network should be supportive of your…
Curve Balls

Dealing With Curve Balls in Recovery

Motivation for managing a substance use disorder requires persistence and resilience. When you incorporate your recovery regimen into your everyday life, eventually, the two become one and the same. However, while focusing on the things you can control and manage both your life and recovery, it does not mean that at certain points, life won’t…

The Long-Term Effects of Binge Drinking

Binge drinking is a prevalent occurrence in the United States. Further, binge drinking does not have to be associated with a substance use disorder that harms your body and brain. However, if you are a frequent binge drinker, you can develop health problems. Consuming five or more drinks within two hours is considered binge drinking.…

How Getting Help is Better for Professionals & Their Careers

Most people think of drug addicts or alcoholics as unkempt, unemployed and unpredictable. But the truth is that a large number of people struggling with substance abuse are contributing members of society — over 70 percent have a steady job and are employed either full or part-time, in industries that range from hospitality to health…

Forgiving a Loved One Managing Addiction

Maintaining a healthy family dynamic where everyone works together, takes on responsibilities, and accomplishes life goals is challenging. If you live with someone struggling with addiction, it can add many difficulties to the relationship’s dynamic. Over time, addiction creates barriers between you and your loved one where you begin to harbor feelings of disappointment, resentment,…

The Difference Between Compulsion and Addiction

Many people use the terms compulsion and addiction interchangeably to describe either their or another person’s behavior, however, they are not the same thing. The interchangeable use of these terms also causes confusion with those seeking treatment for specific conditions. Both compulsion and addictive tendencies can have a significant impact on your mental and physical…

Feeling Emotionally Numb: Restoring Emotions In Addiction Recovery

After years of substance use and addiction, you might feel emotionally numb. Whether this happens consciously or unconsciously, addiction tends to cause people to turn off their emotions. Sometimes this response occurs due to past trauma, anxiety, fear, stress, or other responsibilities. When you use substances to cope and suppress feelings, you might think that…

August 31 is International Overdose Awareness Day: Here are the Startling Stats on Men’s Overdose Rates

Addiction is an issue that has been around for decades. But since the arrival of COVID-19, substance abuse rates have soared in the U.S., with 13 percent of Americans reporting an increase in drug or alcohol use. This surge has been linked to the stress, fear and uncertainty of the pandemic and shows no signs…
Managing Emotions That Challenge Recovery

Managing Emotions That Challenge Recovery

After years of using substances, your emotions can become numbed and imbalanced. Consistent substance use also involves avoiding emotions. Alcohol and drugs used to cope with feelings of sadness, anxiety, anger, and depression further perpetuate your emotional numbness. Recovery, however, is all about reconnecting with your emotions and finding balance. As such, you will have…