
When Alcohol Affects Your Job Performance

When Alcohol Affects Your Job Performance

Alcoholism is a crippling disease. While many people drink to lower their inhibitions or alleviate stress, others use alcohol in more problematic ways, becoming dependent on it to function or get through the day. Unfortunately, drinking is widely accepted and found in most social settings, including parties, family gatherings and even work-related events. This often…
Myths about high functioning addicts

High-Functioning Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Does

We’ve all read headlines of high-powered executives, entertainers and politicians going to rehab for a drug or alcohol problem. While it’s often surprising, the fact is that addiction affects people from all walks of life, regardless of age, gender or occupation. It doesn’t matter how impressive your resume is — substance abuse can turn your…
rehab treatment while being employed

Going To Rehab While Employed: Can I Get Fired For Seeking Treatment?

If you need help overcoming addiction but are worried that going to rehab will get you fired, you’re not alone. Lots of people spend years building a career and don’t want to jeopardize their hard work by admitting they have a drug or alcohol problem. But hiding your addiction from your boss isn’t practical and…
Cost Substance Abuse Workplace

What To Know About The Cost of Substance Abuse in the Workplace

Most people think of addiction as a personal issue, one that only affects individuals and their families. But substance abuse also greatly impacts society at large, costing us between $400 to $600 billion each year. According to the National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC), our employers shoulder much of this expense and lose up to $120…
Top 10 Professions Highest Rates Drug Use

The Top 10 Professions With The Highest Rates of Drug Use

Substance abuse continues to be a problem in the U.S. workforce, costing companies billions through lost productivity, absenteeism and job-related accidents. However, research shows that some professions are more affected by addiction or alcohol abuse, with rates of substance abuse varying based on industry and occupation. Some jobs are more stressful or demanding than others,…
drug addiction with high earning professionals

Drug Use and Addiction Among High-Earning Professionals

For many people, drugs or alcohol are an “escape” from the daily grind. Ongoing stressors aren’t easy to deal with, so getting high lets them forget about their problems. But instead of making them go away, substance abuse only leads to more hardships, including personal, financial and professional ruin. Despite the risks, many people with…
Opioid Relapse Risks

Why Risk Factors for Opioid Relapse Differ Between Men and Women

Substance abuse has increased dramatically since COVID-19 emerged. As more people report feeling stressed, anxious and uncertain about the future, many have turned to drugs or alcohol to find some form of relief and started self-medicating just to get through the day. Consequently, fatal overdoses are also on the rise, surging to over 81,000 deaths…
Is addiction bad enough it needs treatment

Is My Addiction Bad Enough To Need Treatment?

Some people are under the impression that addiction is a subjective thing. And yes, while certain beliefs, norms and attitudes do play a role in one’s drug or alcohol use, the damaging effects of addiction show that it is both real and tangible. In fact, substance abuse disorders are characterized as a disease with distinct…
Drug Use More Common in Men

Is Drug Use More Common in Men?

Developing an addiction to alcohol and other substances can be devastating to all genders. While any gender can succumb to the weight of addiction, studies show that men typically pursue different drugs. Addiction also affects men differently, which can influence their responses to drugs and the likelihood of becoming addicted. Therefore, drug use could be…