Addiction Recovery and The Benefits of Kaiut Yoga

For years, addiction recovery focused primarily on abstinence and physiological cravings. However, as the study of substance use disorders advanced, treatment methods also evolved, and today we now understand that sobriety requires more than abstinence alone. To best help those struggling with addiction find their way to lasting sobriety, we need to offer complementary therapies as well. Such as opening minds and restoring balance during recovery through kaiut yoga.

Addiction Recovery and The Benefits of Kaiut Yoga

Mindfulness training, in particular, has recently garnered attention. By focusing on stress-related thought processes, emotions, and behavioral urges/cravings, mindfulness is used to help those addicted to alcohol and drugs reduce their risk of relapse. One of the techniques used to achieve this mindfulness/emotional awareness is through kaiut yoga.

The Kaiut Difference

Kaiut yoga differs from other types of yoga in that it’s designed to be “yoga for everyone,” less focused on perfecting certain positions to emphasize function over form. You don’t have to be an uber-fit, accomplished yogi to reap the benefits of kaiut yoga. You just need to keep an open mind and want to strengthen the mind-body connection and improve your quality of life.

Because our modern lifestyle typically involves less movement than the (in many ways) healthier lifestyles of our ancestors, the kaiut method emphasizes “unlocking” the ankles, hips, and shoulders, working to increase mobility and improve functions rather than seeking pose perfection. And as “yoga for everyone,” it integrates students of all ages and fitness and skill levels, relying on the use of the environment (walls and floor) and forces of gravity to create transformative experiences without poses that test the individual’s balance. The inclusive nature of kaiut yoga makes it ideal for individuals in substance abuse recovery, as it meets them as they are and only aims to improve their physical, spiritual, and mental health.

Adaptability is key, so those who have physical limitations or even injuries are welcome and encouraged to join. Positions are readily modifiable to make accommodations for limited mobility or pain, and the overarching goal is not to achieve a specific form but to merely improve the functions of the body’s internal systems. Instructors encourage participants to be aware of and move within their body’s personal limitations.

Kaiut Aligning With Recovery Goals

Kaiut yoga also places great value on evolution, which aligns with the goals and intentions of recovery to help each individual live their best life. Rather than prioritizing the destination, the kaiut method appreciates the journey and the process of evolving that someone goes through over time. To that end, while the early goals of kaiut yoga are to stop age-related losses of mobility, as the individual learns more and gains experience, they can focus on evolving and moving toward fulfilling their full potential.

Yoga at Choice House in Boulder, CO

At Choice House, a residential treatment center for men in Boulder County, Colorado, we frequently use yoga to complement other behavioral treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy, art therapy, and outdoor pursuits designed to help our clients calm their minds and rediscover a healthier life balance. Like kaiut yoga, we embrace the idea that life is a journey and that we’re able to learn and evolve as long as we’re open to progress and dedicated to personal improvement. Reach out to Choice House today to learn more about how we integrate mindfulness and holistic treatments to support each individual’s path to lasting sobriety. At Choice House, there is a difference.

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