The Different Treatment Modalities for Healing Trauma

Every addiction treatment facility has different ways of helping patients meet their goals. At Choice House, we use several modalities across multiple therapeutic activities and programs. These therapeutic modalities were designed to focus on the individual’s need for healing and to help them recover in the best way possible. 

Experiential and Psychodrama Therapy

Experiential therapy involves using role-playing and other expressive activities to re-enact and confront particular moments from one’s past. This form of therapy can help treat trauma, substance abuse, eating disorders, and more. 

In our version of experiential and psychodrama therapy, we do a deep dive into our guests’ pasts and discover possible reasons for their addiction. Finding out these reasons can help us create an individual recovery plan. 

Through psychodrama therapy, our guests can deal with any past traumas that may have caused their addiction. Only through bringing these traumas to the surface can one truly move past them. 

Somatic Therapy

Somatic therapy is holistic healing that involves connecting with the body and discovering any physical reactions one might have when thinking about past traumas. It is commonly used to help alleviate feelings of anxiety and stress. 

At Choice House, we use somatic therapy to help our guests discover how a traumatic event has affected them over an extended period. When one realizes how their past has affected them physically, it can be easier to figure out how to move on.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is one of the most popular treatment forms for addiction, trauma, and many more disorders. Group therapy allows individuals to talk with others going through similar experiences. 

Choice House is a facility that focuses explicitly on the needs of men when going through addiction recovery. The company of other men can help some feel more comfortable about sharing their past experiences. While sharing isn’t required, talking about your trauma with multiple individuals can help you better understand it. 

EMDR Therapy

EMDR is a form of therapy that involves a therapist directing your eye movements, hence its name: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy. Usually used to treat those with PTSD, EMDR therapy has patients think about past traumas as a therapist watches how their eyes react. 

A therapist will start to direct your eye movements, and over time, this form of therapy can significantly alleviate some of the negative effects of PTSD. 

Intervention Through Art

Being creative is a fantastic way to express yourself while alleviating symptoms of mental health disorders. Art therapy is used in many addiction recovery programs and has proven to be effective, not only for relieving symptoms but for helping some confront their past.

Art therapy can involve painting, creating music, or something as simple as coloring. One of the most significant benefits of art therapy is that it provides time for individuals to relax and only focus on their creations.

Mindfulness and Yoga

When going through addiction recovery, it is essential to stay active. At Choice House, we utilize several physical activities to aid in your recovery, including yoga. Yoga is excellent for the body and mind as it allows you to be active while focusing solely on your breathing. 

Many of our guests continue practicing yoga after going through treatment as they found it to be an excellent coping mechanism as well as a fun new hobby. Finding these new hobbies is essential to not experience as many temptations when you re-enter the world. 

Outdoor Adventure Therapy

Choice House prides itself on outdoor therapy. Thanks to our location in Boulder, Colorado, we can provide some of the best outdoor therapy opportunities. Prepare to go on hikes with beautiful views, to take part in relaxing fishing trips, and much more. 

Outdoor therapy has been proven to help those with any number of addiction symptoms. Not only is being outside good for your body, but it is also great for helping the mind recover from past traumas. 

Relapse Prevention

Relapse prevention was put in place to help our guests deal with life after treatment. When you exit treatment, you may find plenty of temptation out there. That is why we discover and work to combat any possible triggers while you are in recovery. Our trained therapists will help you work through these triggers and discuss the best ways of avoiding relapse. 

Healing Happens in Community

One of the best things about Choice House is our loving and supportive community. Our guests have all been through similar experiences and thus help each other through every step of recovery. Our trained staff members also care deeply about our guests and will always be there to provide support.


While some of our modalities may seem intimidating, they have proven to help many of our guests. At Choice House, we will work hard to make sure you are comfortable every step of the way. Our therapeutic modalities include somatic therapy, art therapy, support groups, and more. Each modality is designed to help our guests confront past traumas and heal in the best way possible. Choice House is located in Boulder, Colorado, and offers some of the best outdoor therapy opportunities. Being outdoors is excellent for both your body and your mind. Our community of men provides a supportive group that will help you during every step of your recovery. We want to not only help you recover from your addiction but also help prevent any possible relapses. We dive deep into our guests and discover any potential causes of their addiction. If you are interested in Choice House, call us today at (720) 577-4422.

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